Welcome to This Is Skinny, home of the best pre-mixed cocktails that are ready to drink and LOWER IN CALORIES. Our skinny cocktails are crafted using natural colourings and flavourings, free from added sugars, and thoughtfully packaged in 250ml recyclable aluminium cans, making it easy for you to enjoy wherever you go. 

Our mission is to deliver the best pre-mixed cocktails to individuals who prefer a life without limits or compromises! We are proud that all our cocktails are 62 calories or less per can, which is about three times less than their traditional counterparts! Allow yourself to indulge with fewer consequences.

Order our lower calorie cocktails online today!


We wanted to be adventurous and explorative with our flavours - we have three unique flavours of our best premixed cocktails available to order, giving you a new take on the cocktails you are already familiar with.

  • Long Island Iced Tea In a Glass Displayed Next To a Skinny Cocktail Canned Long Island Iced Tea


    Our Long Island Iced Tea is flavoured with real black tea for a more premium taste. You will find a good amount of sweetness in this cocktail, a touch of citrone, and a hint of black tea leaf.

  • Pear & Ginger Negroni In a Glass Displayed Next To a Skinny Cocktail Canned Negroni


    Our Negroni comes with pear and ginger, a twist which is both bold and attractive. You don’t have to be a Negroni lover to enjoy this drink, but being an open-minded explorative drinker is imperative!

  • Rhubarb Mojito In a Glass Displayed Next To a Canned Mojito From This Is Skinny


    Our Mojito is flavoured with fresh rhubarb, popular with lemonades and other soft drinks, but not yet seen in a cocktail. This is the best premixed cocktail for those who enjoy a refreshing fizzy drink. It is light and fruity.


Will I screw up my week’s diet progress if I drink cocktails on the weekend?

That certainly depends on the quantities of the cocktails you drink, however, whilst some of the best premixed cocktails won’t tell you, with our cocktails you will always know how many calories and carbs you are consuming. Also, they contain just 62 calories per can or less, which is way more manageable whilst on a diet.

Can I drink alcohol during Keto?

The amount of carbs in our best skinny cocktails is close to zero, so they are suitable for consumption during Keto. However, alcoholic cocktails should not be a substitute for food, and we do not encourage consuming excessive amounts of alcohol when you are dieting for health reasons.

What are the benefits of no added sugar in Skinny Cocktails? 

Whilst we see no harm in sugar per se, immoderate consumption of sugar has been linked to poor gut health, obesity, and excessive inflammation. At the same time, sugar is added to virtually any food, making it difficult to manage the amounts you consume. Our cocktails don’t contain any added sugar and all the sweetness comes from zero-calorie sweeteners and natural juices in the recipe, which helps manage calorie and sugar consumption.

Are Skinny Cocktails Vegan?

Yes! Following a vegan diet will not hold you back from sipping on the best premixed cocktails in a can!